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First exercise.

I am using surfing as a very simple concept in this exercise. Try on some effects and focus on the editing process on my first video.


An interesting animation to describe a depression life.

Very clear topics about sex and virginity express in a creepy and performance way.

Exercise two.


I basically focus on the visual effect in this exercise. I am playing with the glowing light scribble animation that learned from the youtube video. 


I think the effect can make the original video looks more interesting and highlight the rhythm of movements.


These are the two effects that I have tried on.


Journal #10 - Hito Steyerl - In Defense of the Poor Image

Based on Steyerl's essay, I give some examples of poor images. These MeMes are popular, and easily be found on Instagram and Twitter, also are easily created by everyone.


Exercise three.

Romanic dance moment

I combined different stories with the same theme of romantic movies, trying to create a contrast effect.


Experiment effect: Add a background for the special moment to illustrate the emotions.

Daniel's comment: 

Try to push further, make a larger contrast.

Suggested reference: Mark Leckey Fiorucci, Made me hardcore

My reflection: 

I  should try on more effects, and maybe add Chinese stories to make funnier comaparing.   


I was inspired by the superwoman video, that group the same elements together. 

I  am trying to group all the most romantic dining scenes together.

Exercise four

story board.

The secret of the train

My story is about I was guided by a mystery beggar, he led me to find out the secret in the train.

I would like to do some reflection on myself and society through this project.

Exercise five


Do you want to get

some germs?

I am playing with the original use of sanitizing hand rub.

When the image of germs is projected in the sanitizing hand rub, it gives an illustration of it is containing germs rather than sterile. I think it is interesting to create something that does not make sense in reality. 

The future of trash

I projected the video about landfills in the rubbish bin, so that when people are throwing their rubbish, they could see the future of it. I wish to bring out the concern of waste reduction through this installation.

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